The Hanson Fam

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mer's First B-Day. We can't believe it has come and gone!

I had a vision and I feel it was delivered.  Martha Stewart would be proud don't ya think?!

The birthday girl with the banner I made her.  It took good time and energy , thus,  it's her one and only and will be used at every b-day until she's about 40.  Just sayin.

Mer diggin in to her huge, quite intimidating, but oh so tasty cake.

Mer lovin' being the middle of a kissin' sandwich

the kiddos LOVED the fun bouncer
Like mother/father, like daughter.  Mer had a thing for the frosting-she's pretty much obsessed with the stuff.  Can you blame her?  It's a food of the god's!

Betty Crocker Sr. and Jr.  Thanks so much Grandma Debbie for helping out!

Mer had so much fun wearing her party hat.  She really kept it on forever-shocking, I know!

Our little girl is 1.  The big 1.  Time is flying!

Uncle Cam enjoying a cupcake.  What's there not to enjoy in this wrapped up little bundle of fluffy sugar, coated with frosting?  YUMMMMMM!

Grandma Debbie showing Mer her new presents.

Seriously, this bouncer was rough, tough stuff when trying to get out of it.

Daddy givin' lovins to the b-day girl.

Our little fam.  And NO we did not intentionally both wear yellow to match each other or the bouncer.  It just happened to end up that way.  

Pretty sure this is her first kiss--Kyson has a little crush on Mer.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Guess who turned the BIG 1?!?!

ah shucks, our little girl is one year old

Our lil' peanut, boolicious baby Mer Mer turned one last week. Really, where has the time gone? Sheesh, it seems like just yesterday I brought her home from the hospital....all 4 lbs. 12 oz. of her. She was such a tiny little thing. Now she's 17 lbs., 29.75 inches, crawling crazy and getting into everything. What a year it has been. It's been a hard one, but so rewarding as well. All in all, here's to our little Mers Bears. We LOVE our lil' grrrrrr so much. p.s. pics of her happening first b-day party will be posted soon....I know I'm a slacker, but will strive to post them ASAP!