The Hanson Fam

Friday, November 13, 2009

Take a Look See at our Little 'Wiggler' Hanson

13 week prego shot---
Don't dis because I am completely showing (for my little self)!!!!
Tuh-Dah.....our healthy as can be little Wiggler!!!
It has my nose and Trav's long legs don't ya think?!
Ultra sound tech: 'Woa, your baby has long legs!!!' You can't tell in this pic because as you can see its legs are bent. Right now from head to booty measures 3.5 inches and the legs are a tad over 1.5 inches--5 inches total. It's getting so big! p.s. the little spot by the nose is the left hand sticking up giving 'guns up' for TTU.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pumpkins and Butterfingers

Here Trav and I are carving away-Wilbur V-at the annual Gailan carve off. Thanks for hosting Kelli and Dana. We had a gay ol' time-pumpkins, candles, caramel corn and all.
Yes, Trav and I wear gloves whilst carving and de-goobering Wilbur's guts. Don't be hatin' on our fashionista style!!! Finito--Wilbur V in all his glory. In't he cute?!?!
Ward Trunk or Treat / Chili cook off
I was a shark with a killer homemade dorsel fin, while Trav was a Ducati biker man. Good times were had by all especially during the Trunk or Treat when I had a MAD CRAVING for a BUTTERFINGER. Oh yes it was met by some of the nice folks in the ward. Trick or Treat!!!!
Hope y'all had a Happy Halloween!!! :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

All signs point to......I'm PREGO!!!!!

POSITIVE-first test taken!
  • Morning, Afternoon, Nighttime Sickness............................CHECK!!!!
  • The one and ONLY time in my life that I can't fathom CHOCOLATE..........CHECK!
  • Very Keen sense of smell........CHECK!
  • Gag here, dry heave there...........CHECK!
  • Eating is a chore vs. pleasure, constant eating and nothing sounds good.........CHECK!
  • Not one, but SIX pregnancy tests were positive (I couldn't believe I was actually pregnant, but believed it after five days and 6 tests!)....................CHECK!
  • We heard the amazing heart beat and saw our little wiggler with our own eyes (thank you modern day technology).............CHECK!!!!!
  • Trav and I are both grinning ear to ear and are as HAPPY and EXCITED as little kids in a candy shop............CHECK!!!!!
  • We found out in San Antonio, explanation below................................
*Trav: (saw the test I left on the side of the tub in San Antonio) Oh, you took a pregnancy test without me?
*Me: Yes, but not without you....I left it right there.
*Trav: Hey, what does two lines mean?
*Me: (rummaging frantically through the garbage can) where is that darn box?!?!
*Trav: smiling big, I think you're pregnant.....
*Me: No way, for real, what, really, oh my shock.......
  • This is us with the 6th and final test! By this time, I finally believed it was true!!!!
YES SIREE--we are stoked to announce that I am pregnant! We always said we wanted to get Trav through Law School and then have a baby. Well, it just so happens that our baby is due the day of graduation-May 14th. Wow, I guess we hit that nail right on the head. We are so happy for this blessing in our lives and CANNOT wait to be parents-wahoooooooo!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Nothin' but fun with the visitors.............

What can I say other than two of our FAVORITE people are coming out to Lubbock to visit. Yes siree, tonight come 5:40 I will be picking this lovely couple up at the airport! We can't wait to see them. It's nothing less than a party when my parents are in town, however, do y'all have any suggestions on how to entertain in this groggy weather.............I mean, Lubbock is so happening right?!?!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I got a flu shot 10 days ago and have been as SICK as a dog ever since!!!! All I'm saying is reconsider your decision. To be objective, however, I am an extremely small adult and they stuck me with the same amount of venomous so-called 'dead' flu viruses as they would a 300 pound porker. They should assess the situation and give me the children's shot.....why didn't I think of that...probably because I shouldn't have to?!?! For all it's worth, I will never pay $25 plus much more spent on medication and Dr. visits to date to get deathly ill again. I'm on the mend thanks to a huge shot in my left butt cheek and horse sized antibiotic pills and hope and pray to continue to get well soon.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Brach*s - the time has come!!!

Dearest Brach Candy peeps-
I love you! Thank you for creating this nothing but MAGNIFICENTLY DELECTABLE candy. Halloween, nor the Fall season would be complete without these little orange, yellow and white triangles of palatable heaven! Keep up your great work and please for the love of anything sacred and holy, make more batches of candy corn this year. Last year there was an apparent 'dry spell' for I looked high and low and travelled to numerous stores for your candy corn, but could not find a single bag near the end of October. My mouth is currently salivating as I stare at the above pic, thus, I must go stuff my face with the little buggars.
Much Love, Excitement, Respect, Thanks, and Gratitude for your Sugary Invention,
*** p.s. I too adore and crave the mallow pumpkins!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Viva La MeHico

Hola! Here's to sharing just a tid bit of our trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with you, our amigos. While we were there we:
had many great adventures with these two silly willy's
woke up to this gorgeous site every morn! A special shout out to the Mayan Palace for the lovely sites and amenities during our stay.

this view too-Marina Vallarta

indulged in some tastey Coke Light (much better than Diet Coke) and tons of the BEST Mexican food!!! Did we get sick of fresh salsa and chips...NO!!!walked a wee bit down town-sweat a wee bit too

partook of bread-we all got some snacks at a store and dad bought a huge loaf of bread. you go douggie boy!

swam our hearts content at the fabulous Mayan Palace poolsenjoyed gorgeous sunsets-a little less talk and a lot more action!swam in the ocean-BEEEEEAUUUUUTIFUL and perfect temp. H2O

played with monkeys-p.s. it didn't break wind or poop on me

did I mention we relaxed at the pool and beach?!

bring me two pina coladas.....YUM! we ordered them virgin, but in Mexico you never know......

zip lined through the rain forest

played with a Boa Constrictor. It had a crush on Trav and was giving him a little smooch in this pic. Trav was very hesitant to jump in and hold the fella with me. I mean, we're in Mexico, what could go wrong?!?!****THANKS MOM and DAD!!! We had a BLAST and are looking forward to our next adventure :) We love you two silly folks.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Adios amigos...

We're on our way to MEXICO! The land of great culture, people, and of course wonderful food. Here's a snapshot of where we'll be for the next 8 days!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

5 years of nothin' but........

Best Friendship

Holiday Fun
Puckered Lips and Facial Hair
Hap Hap Happy 5th Anniversary Babe! You are the best hubby out there. Thanks for everything you do. I love you so much and am so thankful that I have you in my life. To sum it up, our marriage is, 'Good Times, Noodle Salad!!!' Thanks for a fabulous 5 years. I look forward to many more memory making moments with you. P.S. as you'd say, 'it's you and me kid!!!' Love ya -mean it-

Friday, July 17, 2009

Crisp, crisp, slurp, slurp

What can I say......sometimes you just feel like eating a pickle! This is my first experience ever eating such a large pickle. I enjoyed a couple bites, but would NEVER purchase one from the gas station that is individually packaged or at the movie theater. I got this here sucker at Dickies BBQ in addition to my meal. Overall, it was a palatable experience and I can now say I've eaten one of these goobery looking things!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Quick Cali Trip!

Two weeks ago I went to Monterey/Carmel, Cali to see a good family friend get married. Trav had a midterm and couldn't attend. It was a tad cold, but BEEEEEautiful!!! We couldn't get enough of the beach, fancy hors d'oeuvres, bright flowers, laughter, wedding cake.....this is the life!!!Tia & my twin Cam, Mike & Heromi, me, ma & pa

the ADORABLE flower girl

short hair groupies

my cousin Ken and me-FISH FACE times two!

the wedding scenery-priceless

Done with the wedding and off to play. This was taken right off of Pebble Beach golf course.

A visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium

Cannery Row Adventurers at Monterey Bay-we loved the food samples at every corner!

We made it to San to the Francisco!! Windy, BRRRRR-I was loving my dad's stylish wind breaker.

We walked across the Golden Gate Bridge.

our rip off priced lunch---looks a bit 'fishy', but was oh so tasty and fresh!!!

Chinatown action-one of the many crazy markets. I was LOVING the fresh produce and the cheap prices. It was a produce lovin' fool's playground! I passed on the dried and flattened whole chickens.

Can't go to San Fran without riding the trolley-we rode it EVERYWHERE!!! I looked for the Full House street, but it was nowhere to be found.

Peer 39 picture perfect spot. It was nippy and I was thinking about the San Fran sourdough bread I was about to devour at din din.

My mom and I heard, "arrrr arrrr arrrrr," low and behold a family of sea lions

Overall, the trip was FABULOUS!!! Unfortunately, I went out with a bang--a fractured elbow and sprained arm(see post below). Oh well, from the wedding up to the fracture was nothing but 'good times noodle salad!!!'

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Fractured Elbow and Sprained Arm

I had such a fabulous time last weekend in Monterey, Carmel, and San Francisco California until the last night when I sadly (not to mention) lamely fractured my elbow, sprained my arm, and went into shock. Seriously though, I don't really even know what happened other than we were leaving fisherman's wharf and heading back to our car when I tripped on the edge of a torn up one foot plus storm drain curb and face planted into the asphalt. It happened so fast. One scary thing I do recall was thinking, "I'm going to crack my head open when I hit..." before plunging into the hard asphalt. Thankfully and miraculously this did not happen! I'm very lucky and blessed that such a hard fall didn't shatter my elbow, my arm, or my noggin. This happened the last night of our trip-Go BIG and then go home right?! For the record, I'm not clumsy at all, however, I am a bull in a china closet. Any who, this is so lame! Thankfully, since I'm an adult my doctor won't cast me because I'd lose mobility. Thus, I've got my sexy gray sling. Isn't it a fancy accessory? It brings out the color in my eyes and makes my chest look bigger.............moral of the story, WATCH OUT FOR BROKEN CURB STORM DRAINS AT FISHERMAN'S WHARF BECAUSE THEY'RE SURE TO GET YA!!!!! Side note: hurt like a buggar!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our New Company!

We still have a lot of work to do, but the online store is finally OPEN!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Run in with the Po Po-what a JERK!!!!

Two days ago I experienced A COUPLE of FIRSTS:
*I was pulled over by the Po Po-Yep my first time EVER because I'm a granny driver!!!
*My first ticket!!! Yes siree, no warning, but a ticket!!!!
This police officer was such a JERK too.....let me give you a mere glimpse of the situation........

I was the last car bumper to bumper behind four other cars at a red light. Green light-we all turned right and proceeded on a highway.........

Clearly all the HUGE trucks (yes I live in TX) gained grounds on our good ol' salsa red, no guts, neon. I was TRYING to keep up and go the flow of traffic and then a motor cop lets all the four trucks fly by and turns on his lights for me!

me: officer I'm sorry, I didn't know I was speeding....I've NEVER even been pulled over. EVER!
Po Po aka Jerk: License and Insurance.....that's your registration, not insurance!
me: I should know better my husband was a cop for 8 years, I'm sorry.
Jerk: I clocked you at 15 over--here's your ticket
me: 15 over, no way......(it was a 'construction zone' that hasn't had any construction done on it forever) I have a question officer. I was going with the flow of traffic, what about all the cars ahead of me that gained about 4 car legnths on me? Science states they must've been going faster..........
Jerk: no they weren't, I clocked you!
me: tear tear, sniffle sniffle, mad as all H#LL could be!!! I drove off.

Now I ask you, was I speeding or was I the easy target because I was the last in a line of five cars that were supposedly speeding, therefore, the EASIEST and SAFEST target for the jerk to pull behind?!?! I believe the latter! Not to mention, there were two other Po Po's with this jerk that didn't even flinch an eye at any of us so called 'speeders'!!! I know you're wondering......$209! Yep, I love the irony-I've NEVER been pulled over, but the first time I do I get no warning or slack, rather am hit HARD!! When I got back to work my boss asked what the Po Po looked like, "a BIG A$$ H*LE!" was my response. Watch out for those AH's!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Don't we all just LOVE this time of the year!?!?! On the BRIGHT side, in one week it will all be over with. Until then, the BEST of luck to all you guys!!! In my books y'all are a WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER-now get back to studying........... oh and P to the S- DON'T be so hard on yourself!